Enid Warringar, health worker mentor

Look at the slides below to learn about what you can expect to find on pages throughout the site.



Use the top navigation from the home screen to enter the different areas of the Toolbox.



The radio link takes you to background information on each topic.



The resources section has quick links to background documents and pages for each section of the Toolbox.

Check skills

Check skills

You can check your current knowledge and skills in the industry.

Our history

Our history

In this section you can learn all about the the history of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander people.

Mental health

Mental health

This section looks at the things that make us emotionally unwell and what we can do to make us well again.

Grog and drugs

Grog and drugs

This section looks at the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) sector, its history and current contexts.

Support clients

Support clients

This section lets you work directly with a client, to check your knowledge and understanding of particular topics.

Assess clients

Assess clients

This section will help you build skills and knowledge for assessing a client’s social and emotional wellbeing.