On air radio

Mental health radio

Select these website links to learn more about ATSI primary health care for client's suffering a mental illness.

AIMHI NT (Mental Health Initiative)

Yarning about mental health. AIMHI NT aims to improve outcomes for remote Indigenous people with mental illness. An excellent PDF document (2007).


An excellent site with information that focuses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and related issues. It has a large number of relevant fact sheets, reading lists, projects and resources.

Australian Bureau of Statistics

2007 Mental Health Survey (pdf)

Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin

The electronic journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet - has links to resources, journal articles, publications topics and reviews.

Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet

A ‘one-stop info-shop' for people working, studying or interested in addressing issues that influence the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Provides statistics and information on the health and welfare of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Aboriginal mental health worker program ‘working both ways’

A program to provide a cultural link between Indigenous and mental health service providers.

Beyond Blue

Programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Youth beyond blue

Youth beyond blue is a website for young people with the message that it’s okay to talk about depression, and to encourage young people and their family and friends to get help when it’s needed.

Healing Foundation

The establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation was announced by the Australian Government in its 2009-10 Budget.

Indigenous Psychological Services

A private company that was founded in late 1998, by Dr Tracy Westerman, an Indigenous Psychologist originally from the Northwest of Western Australia. Dr Westerman developed IPS primarily to address the inequities that exist for Indigenous people in relation to appropriate levels of access to specialist and culturally specific mental health and psychological services.

Kids Help Line

A confidential counselling service for children.

Menzies School of Health Research

Researchers are helping to break the cycle of ill-health facing many Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. It has a wide range of free resources.

Rural Health Education Foundation

An Indigenous Mental Health website, which includes an Interview with Professor Ernest Hunter.

Sane Australia

SANE Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness – through campaigning, education and research. There are excellent fact-sheets.

West Australian Government: Office for Children and Youth

Free Publications (some good things in here with Indigenous content).

Yorgam Aboriginal Corporation

Yorgum's purpose is to provide a nurturing place in an environment which promotes the cultural wellbeing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.