Enid Warringar, health worker mentor

Mental health

In this activity you can check your knowledge of mental health workers, recovery services and settings for mental health delivery.

Select the correct choice to complete these sentences.


Question 1

Training in daily living skills is often provided by an                   

  • Occupational therapist
  • Psychiatrist
  • General practitioner
  • Social worker

Question 2

A                    is a medically trained doctor who specialises in mental illness.

  • Social Worker
  • Psychiatrist
  • Mental Health Nurse
  • Case Manager

Question 3

                   provide 24 hour support and assessment for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • Crisis Care Teams
  • Psychologists
  • Community mental health
  • Self-help groups

Question 4

Supported accommodation for people with a mental disorder are called                   .

  • Residential units
  • Mental Health prevention services
  • psycho-social rehabilitation programs
  • consumer run models

Question 5

Promotion of emotional and social wellbeing is done by                   .

  • Psychiatric units
  • Psychiatrists
  • Mental health promotion services
  • Consumers

Question 6

A                    speaks at hospital hearings that consider whether a detained person should be released.

  • Legal advocate
  • General practitioner
  • Occupational therapist
  • Social worker

Question 7

Designing a support plan is usually done by a                   .

  • Self-help group
  • Psychiatrist
  • Consumer
  • Case manager

Question 8

These days admission to a                    is seen as a temporary measure.

  • Group House
  • Mental health prevention service
  • Psychiatric unit
  • Primary health care service


Training in daily living skills is often provided by an Occupational therapist.

A Psychiatrist is a medically trained doctor who specialises in mental illness.

Crisis care teams provide 24 hour support and assessment for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

Supported accommodation for people with a mental disorder are called Residential units.

Promotion of emotional and social wellbeing is done by Mental health promotion services.

A Legal advocate speaks at hospital hearings that consider whether a detained person should be released.

Designing a support plan is usually done by a Case manager.

These days admission to a Psychiatric unit is seen as a temporary measure.