Enid Warringar, health worker mentor

Mental health

Check your understanding of the rights and equity issues for people with mental illness.

Choose the two statements here that reflect rights and equity issues for people with mental health issues.


Statement set 1

  1. Every person with a mental illness should be discriminated against on the basis of their illness
  2. Every person with a mental illness has the same basic rights as every other person
  3. Every person with a mental illness has to live in a residential unit
  4. Every person with a mental illness has the right to live and work, as far as possible in the community

Statement set 2

  1. People who have a mental illness have the right to protection from exploitation, abuse and degrading treatment
  2. People who have a mental illness should be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility
  3. All persons with a mental illness have a right to the best available health care
  4. People who have a mental illness have no right to refuse treatment

Statement set 3

  1. The National enquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness found widespread systemic discrimination for people with a mental illness
  2. Special needs groups like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience seriously inadequate mental health services
  3. Special needs groups like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are receiving expert specialist support for mental health issues
  4. The National inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness found little or no discrimination for people with a mental illness.

Statement set 4

  1. Under Queensland Government there are no provisions made for people with a mental illness
  2. The Queensland Mental Health Act contains the provision for assessment and treatment of people with a mental health illness
  3. The Anti-Discrimination Act only protects the rights of people experiencing racial and sexual discrimination
  4. The Anti-Discrimination Act protects the rights of people with a mental illness

Statement set 5

  1. Access and equity are principles of social justice
  2. Only equity is a principle of social justice
  3. Equity recognizes that some people are more disadvantaged than others
  4. Access and equity are principles that concern only people with a physical disability

Statement set 6

  1. Refusing a service based on someone’s appearance creates a barrier to access
  2. Not meeting the religious or cultural dietary requirements can create a barrier to access
  3. Barriers to access only relate to the physical needs of consumers
  4. There are no barriers to access for people suffering from mental illness


Statement set 1

  1. Every person with a mental illness should be discriminated on the basis of their illness
  2. Every person with a mental illness has the same basic rights as every other person - Correct
  3. Every person with a mental illness has to live in a residential unit
  4. Every person with a mental illness has the right to live and work, as far as possible in the community - Correct

Statement set 2

  1. People who have a mental illness have the right to protection from exploitation, abuse and degrading treatment - Correct
  2. People who have a mental illness should be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility
  3. All persons with a mental illness have a right to the best available health care - Correct
  4. People who have a mental illness have no right to refuse treatment

Statement set 3

  1. The National enquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness found widespread systemic discrimination for people with a mental illness - Correct
  2. Special needs groups like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience seriously inadequate mental health services - Correct
  3. Special needs groups like Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are receiving expert specialist support for mental health issues
  4. The National inquiry into the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness found little or no discrimination for people with a mental illness.

Statement set 4

  1. Under Queensland Government there are no provisions made for people with a mental illness
  2. The Queensland Mental Health Act contains the provision for assessment and treatment of people with a mental health illness - Correct
  3. The Anti-Discrimination Act only protects the rights of people experiencing racial and sexual discrimination
  4. The Anti-Discrimination Act protects the rights of people with a mental illness - Correct

Statement set 5

  1. Access and equity are principles of social justice - Correct
  2. Only equity is a principle of social justice
  3. Equity recognizes that some people are more disadvantaged than others - Correct
  4. Access and equity are principles that concern only people with a physical disability

Statement set 6

  1. Refusing a service based on someone’s appearance creates a barrier to access - Correct
  2. Not meeting the religious or cultural dietary requirements can create a barrier to access - Correct
  3. Barriers to access only relate to the physical needs of consumers
  4. There are no barriers to access for people suffering from mental illness