Accessready access to services needed Autonomyenhance freedom of personal destiny (individual and relational) Beneficencehelp others Compassionembracing the common humanity Competencebe knowledgeable and skilled Communityencompassing collaboration, democratic participation, equity of access, diversity Conscientious refusaldisobey illegal or unethical directives Diligencework hard Discretionrespect confidentiality and privacy Equityequal treatment for equal needs Fidelitydon’t break promises Gratitudepass good along to others Healthall people have a right to resources necessary for health Honestytell the truth Loyaltydon’t abandon Justicebe fair, distribute by merit Non-maleficenceactively avoid harm to others (individual and social) Obedienceobey legal and ethically permissible (acceptable) directives Reciprocityin-kind positive response towards the actions of others Respectprejudice free consideration of the rights, values and beliefs of all people Restitutionmake amends to persons injured Self-improvementbe the best you can be Self-interestprotect yourself Stewardshipuse resources judiciously (wisely) Transparencyopenness in relation to the decisions affecting others and any limitations on such decisions |