On air radio

Assess clients radio


The goal of ‘helping’ is to empower the client to identify and solve their own problems. The 'client-centered' approach involves helping individuals to assess their own problems and understand themselves as part of the process of achieving positive change.

The psychologist Carl Rogers (1902–1987) developed a humanistic approach to helping. He believed that the quality of the relationship between helper and client was the significant factor for achieving positive change in the individual's life. The value of the relationship is summed up in this quote from Carl:

”In my early professional years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his (or her) own personal growth?”

Carl Rogers viewed human behaviour as rational and human nature as generally positive. He believed that change is possible through self-awareness and self-acceptance and understanding one’s own personality. The 'client-centered' approach encourages the helper to:

  • be genuine
  • actively listen
  • provide support and resources
  • assist the client to work out their recovery strategy.